Comments on: Breastfeeding and the Expat /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/ The one-stop site for "trailing spouses." Wed, 06 Sep 2017 10:51:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-1191 Sun, 17 May 2015 10:45:03 +0000 Thanks for this insight. Good to hear that natural birth is becoming more the norm. I’m not anti cesarean (I had two myself!) but it shouldn’t be the default option. And it’s great that breastfeeding is encouraged. Again if you can’t, you can’t but for so many reasons it should be seen as the first preference where possible.


By: themysticalcrab /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-1190 Sun, 17 May 2015 10:13:25 +0000 Hi! Sorry I am late to the party on this discussion but I thought you may be interested to hear from a Vietnamese perspective. Cesareans are by far the most common way of giving birth here – similar to what someone said above it is because Vietnamese women prefer to choose the day they give birth. The culture is extremely superstitious and women will usually consult with a fortune teller to choose the luckiest day for the birth. However, times are changing and a stronger Western influence on society here is leading to an increase in women having a natural birth.I had a natural birth and never felt any pressure to succumb to local custom, however this may be due to me being a foreigner and having a foreign doctor.

Breastfeeding is strongly encouraged (and women are encouraged to use donated milk if they are unable to produce enough milk themselves in the beginning). I have breastfed in public a few times and the only time I have been given funny looks have been when I used a blanket to cover myself!

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By: tinyexpats /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-167 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:40:49 +0000 I had two natural births, but in the process I was wishing for a cesarean :)) But I understand what you mean 🙂

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By: /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-166 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:36:08 +0000 On paper there is a move towards encouraging more home births and breastfeeding etc. But in reality our cesarean rates are rising still and many people are struggling to get the support they need to continue breastfeeding. A long way to go still. (by the way I have nothing against cesareans if needed – I had two myself – but as doctors become more fearful of getting sued when things go wrong, this is the way we will continue to go I think).

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By: tinyexpats /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-165 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:34:10 +0000 Totally agree! Haven’t realised that there’s a problem in UK, in which way?


By: /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-164 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:32:55 +0000 It’s definitely one of those subjects that can be very difficult to discuss as everyone has different ways of doing things. But I think as long as someone gets all the facts and then is really able to make their own decisions based on those facts, then it’s up to them how they parent. What isn’t so great is when people are swayed one way or another by the prevailing views of the local medical authorties (which defintely happens in the UK still!).

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By: tinyexpats /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-163 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:28:05 +0000 Yes, I think overall baby care and education are not so easy on the kids there.. But that’s a different culture, so expats just need to be aware if that and choose their own way whete desired. I’m very happy with the natural parenting approach we chose, but even in Europe some couples decide to take a different route.

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By: /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-162 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:24:23 +0000 This is all really interesting and useful information for expats considering having a baby in another country – thank you. It is sometimes surprising how different attitudes can be in different countries – it’s good to hear Germany, Ukraine and Russia were all encouraging natural parenting at least. I heard from a Chinese lady on one of my courses here in the UK that ceseareans are very common over there too because they like to chose the day they give birth on…

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By: tinyexpats /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-161 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:16:58 +0000 Breastfeeding was a great help when we travelled from Hamburg to Shanghai via Dubai – no worries about feeding the baby on the way 🙂

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By: tinyexpats /2015/02/03/breastfeeding-and-the-expat/comment-page-1/#comment-160 Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:15:06 +0000 I gave birth to our oldest daughter in Germany. It’s widely accepted there to breastfeed in public and they also promote natural birth. During the pregnancy, when I was visiting my parents in Ukraine, I went with my husband to a pre-natal course, which also promoted the same values. So it was easy for us to choose a natural parenting approach.
Later, when we moved to China, I discovered that they discourage mothers to breastfeed, telling them how much better formula is. I guess, it is connected to how soon a mother can go back to work.
In Russia, where I gave birth to the second daughter, it’s also a recent hype about natural parenting, although if you happen to be treated by an old school doctor, they would seriously tell you off for your ‘fulling behaviour’ as they still do not accept these new trends.

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